
Guide to Non-Injury Shoulder Pain: Four Common Causes Explained

Do you have shoulder pain that doesn’t seem to be related to any injury? You’re in for a treat. In fact, non-injury shoulder pain is actually quite common. There are a number of different causes of this type of pain, ranging from poor posture to arthritis. In this blog post, we will explore four of the most common ones. If you are suffering from shoulder pain, be sure to visit the shoulder specialist singapore to identify the cause so that you can get the appropriate treatment. Let’s take a look at four common causes of non-injury shoulder pain.

Frozen Shoulder

painA frozen shoulder is the most common cause of non-injury shoulder pain, aside from arthritis. Adhesive capsulitis is another name for this condition. It is an ailment in which the connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint becomes inflamed and stiff. A frozen shoulder usually develops gradually, beginning with pain and stiffness in the shoulder that worsens over time. The condition affects people between the ages of 40 and 60 and is more common in women than men.

Calcific Tendonitis

Referring to a build-up of calcium deposits in the shoulder, calcific tendonitis is another common cause of non-injury shoulder pain. The condition is most often seen in middle-aged women. It occurs when the body starts to break down calcium deposits that have built up in the tendons. This can lead to inflammation and pain in the shoulder. Not only is calcific tendonitis a common cause of non-injury shoulder pain, but it is also the most common reason for the shoulder pain that leads to surgery.


Spinal Issues

Did you know that your shoulder pain could actually be caused by an issue with your spine? It’s true. Spinal issues, such as a herniated disc or degenerative disc disease, can cause referred pain in the shoulder. This means that the pain is not originating from the shoulder itself but from another area of the body. The spinal issue can cause the pain to radiate into the shoulder, resulting in pain and discomfort.


shoulderLastly, arthritis is the most common cause of non-injury shoulder pain. Two main types of arthritis can affect the shoulder: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and usually affects people as they age. The condition causes the cartilage in the joints to break down, resulting in pain and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis is a less common type of arthritis that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the tissues in the joints. This can lead to inflammation, pain, and stiffness in the shoulder.

If you are suffering from shoulder pain, get your phone and schedule a visit to a shoulder specialist right away for an accurate diagnosis. Only a trained professional will be able to identify the root cause of your shoulder pain. Once you’ve received a diagnosis, you can begin treatment and start on the road to recovery.

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